Principal's Angle

From the Principal Desk

Welcome to Regal New Heights College. At RNHC, we train the child all around.

We appreciate individual differences in students and so we allow them to blossom in accordance with their interest and capacity.

The college operates a wide Curriculum to enable students make a carrier choice consistent with their aptitudes and interest.
It comprising the Junior Secondary School Programme and the Senior Secondary School Programme leading to the Basic Education School Certificate Examination for the Junior and West African Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE), as well as National Examination Council (NECO) for the senior. We also prepare students for external examination especially the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE).

Mr P.O. Akintomide

For the education of the total child, RNHC is the place to be. The taste of the pudding is in the eating. A trial will convice you